Our Mission
Braille by MTS strives to empower persons of all ages, who are blind or experiencing vision loss and who read braille, to achieve independent living through literacy, education, and equal access to print.

Our Mission
Braille makes it possible for every child to participate fully and successfully in school life.
About Braille by MTS
Our team of experienced transcribers produces accurate, high-quality Braille. We provide support for our transcribers and work together to meet the specific need of all clients. We take a great deal of pride in our service.
We produce books in textbook, literary, and Nemeth formats for elementary, high school and college students. All books are listed on the LOUIS database and are available for reproduction.
Braille by MTS also transcribes custom items such as business and government documents and personal materials.
Fees are available upon request.
Multimedia Transcription Service is a project of Heightened Independence and Progress – a Center for Independent Living, run by and for people with disabilities working toward full inclusion in all aspects of life.
Site Content: Copyright © 2004-2018 Multimedia Transcription Service. All Rights Reserved.